Tips for adapting homework to your child’s personality

homework to your child's

Once upon a time, there was a child who moved constantly in his chair and who could not concentrate for more than a minute during his homework. It is also the story of another young man who protested in front of all forms of instructions… Does that mean anything to you?

Good news, as the start of the new school year approaches , Alloprof  Parents  offers you a series of  tips to adapt the  homework  period to your child’s personality .

The child who has the wanderlust

Whether it is due to a physical condition or a circumstantial event, the causes of fidgeting in children can be numerous. To help your child do his homework despite his irrepressible urge to frolic, you can:

Look for the cause of the excitement .

Establish a routine to avoid disorganization.

Use cues to help him become aware of the passage of time (for example with the use of the Motivating Timer ).

Do a little exercise before getting down to work.

Offer options for moving during the study (example: walking around the table, doing sit-ups, etc.).

The child who has difficulty concentrating

Concentration depends on several factors such as interest in the task to be performed, mood, fatigue or even the environment. It is therefore advisable, first of all, to determine the source of the challenge!

Once this is done, you can encourage your child to:

Get enough sleep.

Reduce your screen time.

Learn to breathe.

Divide your tasks into several small tasks that will seem easier to do.

How to adapt homework to your child’s personality

The child who opposes

Even if all children are likely to experience a phase of opposition and that this phase is part of a form of self-affirmation, it remains nonetheless…exhausting! To temper things, here’s what you can do:

Listen to your child’s stories.

Consider his opinion.

Take the time to explain the reasons for the rules to her.

Avoid giving him negative attention (eg pointing out his good moves, rather than intervening with each bad behavior).

Set up a system of privileges (or consequences).

Avoid negotiating.

The child who accepts no criticism

It’s visceral, your child does not accept any constructive criticism ? Does he or she stumble or get angry at the slightest comment? To start, you can try to understand what causes this reaction in your youngster:

The child who procrastinates

Here, your child puts everything off until tomorrow . To help him overcome this bad habit, you can invite him to:

The child who knows everything

Is your child one of  those who knows everything, everything, everything  and it is impossible for you to correct him or even place a word? Don’t worry, he’s not doing it on purpose to make you cringe and you can try the following tips to improve the situation:

Use interrogative rather than affirmative sentences to correct it.

Work on your self-esteem.

Do some research with him to deconstruct his certainties.

Emphasize that it teaches you new things when it does.

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