How to teach any topic to the elderly?

teach any topic

You’re never too old to learn something new, even if it’s technology. The ever-changing digital age makes it difficult for older people to learn how to use new devices on their own.

A Pew research study found that 77% of older adults needed help learning to use technology.

Last year, they also found that social media almost doubled for people over 50, from 22% to 42%.

With the help of learning technology, he shows that adding technology to the life of the loved one will be extremely beneficial to him.

Not only do our dads have in-depth knowledge and experience with technology, but they also have the patience to teach your loved ones how to use it effectively.

It’s important to use a step-by-step process when explaining the technology to someone unfamiliar with it.

Useful ways to teach a senior in the digital age

Explain the value

Show a senior how easy it is to talk to a friend you haven’t seen in 7 years over Skype, or get a return email from a family member within 10 minutes, the helps to understand the importance of technology and what it can offer.

Make them understand that it improves their social life without them having to leave their house.

Our goal is to hear them say “Wow! “.

Use simple language

The new words the internet has created in our dictionary may not make sense to someone who barely uses a computer.

Instead, ask him what he already knows about the technology so you can draw analogies with what he already knows.

The last thing you want to do is make them feel too overwhelmed and then they give up because you gave them too many tasks to try on their own.

Write them down

Since they are used to writing by hand, give them a specially designed notebook to jot down the steps they need to remember.

If they get lost or forget how to do something, they can refresh their memory with their own handwriting.

Patience is the key

It is important to stop often and take the time for them to ask questions. The more engaged they are, the more they will engage and learn.

Give them confidence

Celebrate the small victories. Focus on the positives and what they do well and they’ll want to keep using it.

Show them free resources

There are great websites that offer free tech tutorials to help your loved ones.

Visit the sites together and bookmark them for easy access.

Watch a video or two together and practice the tutorial afterwards so they feel comfortable using the sites when you’re away.

Get them used to technology

Games are a great way to introduce them to technology. Maybe they like crosswords, scrabble or Sudoku.

This will help them become familiar with using the buttons and touching the screen.

Talking about internet safety

Show them best practices on how to create strong passwords. Let them know that they should never share personal information via email.

If you address these issues and show them the best security on the Internet, they will feel confident and will not be taken advantage of.

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