Interesting Ways to Learn Vocabulary

Learn Vocabulary

How often do you learn new words? One word a day, ten words a day or a few words every week? No matter the number of words you learn, only see to it that you learn some new words every day, their inflections, verb forms and how they are used in sentences. You might learn words based on their functions, number of syllables, length of words, or rhyme. To give you an idea of how you can build your English vocabulary, this article illustrates some ways and also provides a few exercises. Give them a try.

Length of Words

The basic method one can follow would be learning words based on the number of letters in a word. Since the only one-letter words in English are ‘I’ and ‘a’, you can start with two-letter words. They include words such as my, us, we, am, is, do, in, of, to, on, at, me, be, etc. You can then slowly move on to three-letter words, four-letter words, five-letter words and so on. Here, we do not look into the function of the words; we just focus on the number of letters. Go through the following table for some examples of the same.

Three-letter words
The Can Car Her Sun
Hen For Cry Was Alm
Not End Fox Win And
Four-letter words
Hire Give Into Sing Come
Bear Pink Lend From Upto
Joke What Dare Feet Five
Five-letter words
Stare Gleam Dream Paste Table
Chair Green Eight Blink Throw
Where Until Blunt Mound Whose
Six-letter words
Friend Render Driver Delete Listen
Always Singer Tiffin Plight Slowly
Jovial Really Binder Friday Finger
Seven-letter words
Grumble Deeper Thought Blender Quickly
Learner Achieve Giraffe Slender Captain
Undergo Journey Tuesday Excited Diagram
Eight-letter words
Sprinkle Pleasant Security Cupboard Patience
Portrait Ambition Pressure Thursday Adjacent
Hospital Opposite Resident Interior Ambience

Number of Syllables

The second method you can follow is with the number of syllables. A syllable is formed by the combination of a vowel sound and one or more consonant sounds. Based on the number of syllables, words can be categorised as monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic and polysyllabic words. Let us look at a few examples to understand better.

Monosyllabic words
Do Am In Shut Run
Pick From Stick Done Week
Blue Neat For Sick Sight
Disyllabic words
Table Wonder Pickle Unto Forward
Receipt Singer Lighten Enter Window
Patent Master Friendship Winter Incur
Trisyllabic words
Wonderful Absolute Reporter Spectator Wanderer
Adventure Wednesday Salvation Politely Savoury
Plentiful Boundary Aeroplane Reserved Operate
Polysyllabic words
Intelligent Hallucination Information Comfortable Inaccessible
Curiosity Conservation Immediately Consciousness Wholeheartedly
Environment Determination Convenient Terrestrial Acquaintance

Function of Words

Learning words according to functions is a more beneficial method of learning because you do not just learn the words, but their functions, multiple meanings or functions (if any) and their different usages. You can start with naming words, action words, preposition words, linking words, describing words and so on. Go through the following table to learn how this method works.

Fan Dog Bottle Chair Cupboard
Vegetable Money Knowledge Ears Week
Patient Belief Tyre Proof Notebook
I He She You We
Him Her They Their Anyone
Hers Mine Everyone Nobody Me
Cut Prune Imitate Write Sweep
Untie Amputate Validate Joke Speak
Groove Bank Eat Open Rest
Quickly Yesterday Early Late Never
Rarely Seldom Everyday Instinctively Simultaneously
Upstairs There Figuratively Daily Annually
Ample Weak Brown Happy Bearable
Rampant Wonderful Excellent Quick Soft
Kind Lively Ambitious Empathetic Serene
But And Or Yet So
Though As soon as Still Since Because
Therefore Although Not only Thus For
In On At Out In front of
Above Under Over Below Until
With Of From About Between
Oh Hurray Ah Alas Yippee
Wow Ouch Yes No Whoa

Rhyme of Words

You can also learn words based on their rhyme. If your method of learning mainly focuses on the phonetic quality of the language, this would be a good way to learn multiple words. Given below is a table with rhyming words. Check it out.

Set 1
Cat Mat Rat Pat Fat
That Chat Hat Bat Sat
Flat Splat Spat Plat Tat
Set 2
Fly Ply Sly Apply Ally
Imply Comply Pry Tie Lie
Shy Sigh My Why Dye
Set 3
Day Way Say Ray May
Bay Nay Hay Pay Lay
Play Clay Slay Pray Tray
Set 4
Night White Plight Right Might
Sight Bite Write Site Cite
Alight Tight Bright Uptight Height
Set 5
Through Blue Flu Threw Blue
Glue Imbue Flew Rue Sue
New Few Dew View Clue

You have now learnt a few different ways to improve vocabulary. Follow whichever suits you and helps you best.

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