5 tips to better prepare young people for their exams

people for their exams

Exams bring all kinds of emotions to students (and parents too). Added to the joy of completing a stage or a year is sometimes a certain anxiety about performance and an urgent need to get well organized. Fortunately, thanks to the advice of Alloprof parents , you will be able to help your child to live these obligatory passages more serenely!

Make a study plan

To use a very simple metaphor, let’s say that the exam is a destination. To get there, just choose a route and follow the path. In short, you have to create a study plan ! It’s easy! To achieve this, you must:

Start studying early

The brain is an extraordinary machine that generally works much better when given time to do the same exercise several times or reread the same information.

Intersperse the study with breaks to stretch your legs and replenish your energy (using the Incentive Timer , for example).

Undo the learning knots

To study well, it is recommended to make review sheets that summarize the main points of a concept to remember.

Not only is this a useful practice for memorizing information, but it also helps to identify certain learning nodes. Of course, they must be untied as quickly as possible.

To do this, you can invite your child to:

Attend pick-ups offered at school.

Ask questions to classmates.

Use the Alloprof Support Zone .

Ask a trusted adult for help.

Use useful resources

There are hundreds of study methods, strategies and tools!

Among these, we find the resources of Alloprof, created especially to help young people revise while validating their learning as they go.

For example, depending on your child’s grade level, you may suggest that they use:

Online interactive recoveries called MiniRecups .

The notional sheets (there are more than 3000!).

The approximately 460 videos that review the material.

The 780 exercises to train with.

The chat service which allows students to contact a teacher directly on the site during opening hours; and many other essential tools !

Know that everything is organized by level and by subject!

Focus on balance

The exams are not used to ask questions on unknown subjects, but to evaluate the material already covered in class! From there, a proper study should be enough to make everything go like clockwork.

But to help your child stay on track during this review marathon, you can remind him to take care of himself and…

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